A fascinating look at how increased human contact has impacted shark attacks
Sharks are intriguing and beautiful creatures but they can also be deadly. As humans have explored the world's oceans and exploited them for tourism and recreation, we have found ourselves coming into contact with more and more sharks. And the outcome can be fatal. From the Seychelles to South Africa, and Australia to North America, tourists, divers, and surfers have seemingly found themselves under increased threat from unprovoked shark attacks. Fatal attacks have occurred in locations that were previously thought to be safe, and in late 2010 the Egyptian resort of Sham el-Sheikh was rocked by an incredible five shark attacks in a matter of weeks. But are sharks really ruthless, vicious killers, or are they simply reacting to humans invading their habitat? Has the number of shark attacks increased in recent years? What can be done to prevent them? All these questions and more are answered in this fascinating book.