Lieutenant Hart Temple had one rule in life and it was the KISS method. The acronym meant 'keep it simple stupid' and so far it worked for him. He liked his military career, riding his Harley Softtail, a good bar fight on occasion and a good book, the classics not some of the new crap out there. The last one know one really knew about but again talking about himself wasn't a simple thing to get him to do. Off deployment and with eight weeks to kill he decided to take an extended road trip. How did he know that his bike would bust a gasket and he'd be stuck in the small town of Honeywell Georgia and staying in little strip motel ran by Crystal Cantrell.
Her daughter Kaydee was always asking questions a six year old shouldn't know. Until his part came in he was stuck in Hopewell for a few weeks. Who knew that he'd actually start to like Crystal? She and her kid were totally ruining his rule of life and being a father figure wasn't on his list of credentials. But when he saw the guys who were giving her trouble at her motel and the way her body responded when he kissed her. For the first time Hart thought about putting down roots, he wanted to claim Crystal with the light brown eyes, yet panic set it at the thought. Hart didn't know if he was built to the kind of man she needed and Crystal made him feel things he didn't understand. He had a choice to make, a big one when she whispered the one word that could change both of their lives... Stay.