"If you are as passionate about pursuing God's Word as I am, this is a great tool to be inspired by and help you dig deeper." —Lisa Harper
Dig Your Well
I could simply share with you the treasures I've discovered.
The ones I've dug out from the depths of God's Word.
But I'd rather give you the treasure map.
This is a story about reading the Bible, and it can be your story too.
We all know we're supposed to be spending time with God through daily prayer and studying His Word. But we don't always know how to make that happen—or how to be truly refreshed and changed by the experience. Born in a season of waiting, this comprehensive guide, provides step-by-step instructions to...
Get ready to drink in living water. Discover how exploring God's Word in fresh, full-to-the-brim ways can fill your life to overflowing. Because His mercies are new. Every single morning.