Bang! The race is on. The clock is ticking. You have thirty seconds to snare the potential employer's attention. The resume must sell itself—and you! However, many view "marketing" themselves as difficult and distasteful.
Regardless, your goal is to WOW! the potential employer with a standout resume that elicits this response, "Tell me more!" or better yet, "You're hired!"
Powerful writing is the key ... You might be the most qualified candidate, but if the competition is better at telling a story ... you lose. So does the employer, who unwittingly hires that less qualified individual.
Whether entering the workforce, laid off by downsizing or other economic factors, or desiring opportunity for career growth ... this e-book is for you! It is chock-full with proven, insightful advice to compose that stellar resume!
I present 12 strategies and three Word Sculpting Tools from my multiple award-winning book Write to Influence! to compose a resume ... clear, concise, and compelling ... that will resonate with prospective employers.
Here's what others say ...
I attended Colonel Bass' webinar, "Nail Your Resume! ... Write to Influence!" Great stuff!! Aspects I never considered:
1) The strategy of "Setting the Hook"
2) Responding to the employer's quintessential question, "What's in it for me? What do I gain by hiring you?"
3) Words that convey subliminal messages - great tip - who would have "thunk it"
4) Finally, "triaging your data, again and again and again." More of a "rinse and repeat" step, but oh, so important!
I thought my resume was great the first time, boy was I wrong! ... Bob Hyatt
"Powerful writing changes lives!" is my battle cry. Simply stated, an indisputable correlation exists between the ability to write well and success – personal and professional. Learn a skill that will pay lifetime dividends with Write to Win! A Standout Resume.